Before I really started thinking about having a family, I believed that the ideal situation when I did have kids would be to work part-time. Today, I'm working full-time.
Honestly, I'm not interested in staying home all day (of course, I'm allowed to change my mind in the future). It's not because I don't think there is value in staying home, I do. It just isn't for me. I really enjoy my j.o.b., and I like the social aspect of working outside of the home. Financially, staying at home right now would mean cutting back significantly and possibly even moving out of our neighborhood. This isn't what we want. But, the sermon at church last week got me thinking. It was about giving - mostly financial, but it made me realize that we give more than our money...we give our time, resources, and talents, too. The reason this really got me thinking is because two of my other major concerns about being a SAHM are re-entering the workforce and retirement. So the question is, am I "storing up too many treasures on earth"? I pray that I'm not. I'm a planner, and God has created me this way, but am I too concerned about the things we have today instead of really worrying about where I am spending eternity? I do believe that we need to be realistic and save for the day when retirement comes, but I also believe that God will provide for us. I still believe working part-time would be ideal.
Working full-time outside of the home is HARD! Yes, I can run errands over my lunch hour, but it still seems that there aren't enough hours in the day. By the time I get home, have dinner made and we eat, there's only 30-45 minutes of time to really spend with Drake before he goes to bed. I also feel like I'm slacking a bit in my role as a Big Sister. My Little Sister and I have been matched since June 2008. We used to get together every other week and now we're barely getting together once a month. Don't get me wrong, being a mom comes first, but I still feel some responsibility to her. If I was working part-time, I would have more time to get things done, spend more time with Drake and hopefully get more time with my Little Sister.
During my performance evaluation last year, I talked to my boss about going down to a 4-day work week, but I wasn't (and still am not) willing to work 4 10-hour days. This would have been a bit of an adjustment for us as our insurance premiums would have went up and my salary would have been cut, but it was a good compromise. Unfortunately, my boss didn't see this as an option. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I might be able to maneuver my schedule so I could get more time with Drake. Until recently, he was sleeping until 7am and still taking a bottle in the morning. I wasn't willing to wake him up early...I really enjoyed sleeping until 7am on the weekends. :-) But, now that he's getting up a little earlier (about 6:45am) and doesn't take a bottle, I really considered altering my schedule.
I'm SO excited to start my new hours next week! I'll be working 7:30am-4:30pm Monday through Thursday and 7:30am-2pm on Friday! I know it might not sound like much, but getting that extra 2.5 hours on Friday afternoon is going to be wonderful! I'm really excited about my new schedule!