Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Great Grocery Challenge - Week 6

This week went pretty good even though I spent quite a bit over my goal. I hosted one Thanksgiving at my house and my Target trip included a couple small Christmas gifts. I also have quite a bit in RR & ECB for my shopping in the next few weeks.

CVS - spent $26.60, saved $77.20
Target - spent $28.55, saved $77.89
Walgreens - spent $19.58, saved $66.68
Meijer - spent $29.61, saved $36.41

Totals: spent $104.34, saved $258.18 (71% savings!)


Kahla said...

Awesome! I so need to learn how to do this! Do you follow Couponing to Disney? She is always posting great deals.

Amber said...

Yes! That is one of many websites I follow. The other ones are hip2save and mojo savings, if you're interested.

Lucky Jones said...

just posted mine. Last week more or less went out the window for me - 6 extra people in my house, 3 of those being kids made for a lot of food bought and little patience.... you did good though!!