We just had a short time to hang out there, but we'll definitely be back.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Children's Discovery Museum
Two of my college girlfriends, their kids, Drake and I went to the Children's Discovery Museum yesterday. I knew a lot of things wouldn't be geared toward his age, but he still had a fun time.

We just had a short time to hang out there, but we'll definitely be back.
We just had a short time to hang out there, but we'll definitely be back.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thanks Cady!
I'm excited because I've been wanting to try shopping at Kroger and now I have no reason not to! Hopefully I'll get a chance to head over there this week to get my card and experience my first time shopping there.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Merry Christmas!!!
We had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did, too!! We celebrated with Jason's family on Christmas eve morning with brunch at his sister's house.

Drake and Caden played in Caden's new tent. They had so much fun crawling around in here!
We planned to go to church that night, but the roads were pretty slick driving home. I ended up snowblowing/shoveling because, well, I like the exercise. :-) And, because we were leaving the next morning to drive to celebrate with my family. I'm pretty sure we got about 7 inches of snow. Since we weren't going anywhere, we let Drake open one of his gifts....Weebles!
On Christmas morning, Drake had his bottle and then opened the rest of his gifts...
A basketball toy! He also got a book, bowl w/spoon & fork, and foam letters for the bath. We didn't go all out since he doesn't really understand, and he doesn't need anything. :-)
Drake started getting a runny nose and drooling so I'm wondering if we have more teeth making their way...we've already gotten 4 since December 1st. :-) He was just too excited about Christmas and wouldn't take an afternoon nap so that made for a fun day. On Sunday, we got up and drove to my parent's house after breakfast to celebrate with my immediate family.
Every year, my parents give us scratch off lottery tickets in our stockings. We had quite a few good winners this year. I got a free ticket, Jason got a free ticket and $5, and Drake won $20!
My niece, Nicole, with Drake.
Family! ... the best gift of all this year!
We left Freeport at Drake's bedtime and this time made it home without any problems. :-)
We planned to go to church that night, but the roads were pretty slick driving home. I ended up snowblowing/shoveling because, well, I like the exercise. :-) And, because we were leaving the next morning to drive to celebrate with my family. I'm pretty sure we got about 7 inches of snow. Since we weren't going anywhere, we let Drake open one of his gifts....Weebles!
After breakfast, we got in the car and headed north to celebrate with my dad's side of the family at my brother's house. I didn't do so well at getting pictures, but here's one of Drake after trying my Aunt Donna's "famous" pumpkin bars! I think he liked it, what do you think?
We left Freeport at Drake's bedtime and this time made it home without any problems. :-)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Great Grocery Challenge - Week 10

Walgreen's - spent $3.55, saved $24.75 (87% savings!)
CVS - spent $2.30, saved $27.99 (92% savings!)
Target - spent $14.56, saved $23.69
Meijer - spent $82.11, saved $27.29
Totals: spent $102.52, saved $103.72
A couple notes:
- I messed up on the GE Reveal light bulbs at Target. I printed my Target coupons, but I forgot that the registers were printing out a Manufacturer coupon when you bought them! So, only purchase one package of light bulbs at a time - after your first purchase you'll be able to use the Target Q ($1.50/1) and the Manufacturer Q ($2/1) so you can get light bulbs really cheap!
- My Meijer trip was really disappointing, but I knew it would be. I'm taking a fruit salad to two different Christmas gatherings so I had to get the items for that and fruit is EXPENSIVE! I spent $26 on fruit, $18 on dog food, and $12 on a gift.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Really?? How is my baby boy old enough for a haircut already?!
We've been talking about getting his hair trimmed up for a couple weeks now because it hangs in his eyes, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. When other people started mentioning it, I guess that was the sign to get it done. So, I made an appointment at a fun little barbershop - Shorty's - that a lady at church and my co-workers recommended.
Drake did pretty good at first just sitting in the chair and when the barber, Bob, sprayed some water on his hair. But, when Bob tried to use the scissors, Drake kept turning his head! Once I saw the first snip of hair I knew it was going to be a little shorter than I wanted, but he had to even it out. It will grow, right?!?!
Then, he was wiggling so much that he fell forward in the chair so I ended up holding him for the rest of the cut.

They really were great. The other guys in there tried entertaining Drake and they even turned cartoons on the TV. I was able to get a little bit of hair for his scrapbook and they even do the first haircut for free! Pretty sweet, huh?
After the haircut, we decided to take Drake on a special lunch to Moe's. He really liked his cheese quesadilla!
We've been talking about getting his hair trimmed up for a couple weeks now because it hangs in his eyes, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. When other people started mentioning it, I guess that was the sign to get it done. So, I made an appointment at a fun little barbershop - Shorty's - that a lady at church and my co-workers recommended.
Drake did pretty good at first just sitting in the chair and when the barber, Bob, sprayed some water on his hair. But, when Bob tried to use the scissors, Drake kept turning his head! Once I saw the first snip of hair I knew it was going to be a little shorter than I wanted, but he had to even it out. It will grow, right?!?!
After the haircut, we decided to take Drake on a special lunch to Moe's. He really liked his cheese quesadilla!
Isn't my baby boy SO cute??
Monday, December 20, 2010
Drake got his first Christmas present this weekend!! 

Jason's Aunt Leta brought Drake a pair of hand-knitted mittens (that fit perfect I might add) and this cool "camera". Thanks, Leta! Drake loves it!!
This was the perfect start to his week of Christmas. I can't wait to see him open more presents later this week!
Jason's Aunt Leta brought Drake a pair of hand-knitted mittens (that fit perfect I might add) and this cool "camera". Thanks, Leta! Drake loves it!!
This was the perfect start to his week of Christmas. I can't wait to see him open more presents later this week!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Great Grocery Challenge - Week 9

Meijer - spent $24.10, saved $26.34
Sam's - spent $20.18
Totals for this week: spent $49.36, saved $70.78!
This is my first week being under my goal! Pretty exciting, huh? Hopefully this is the start of a great trend. :-)
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Great Grocery Challenge - Week 8
I am having a hard time with my receipts these days! I've been getting some great deals on games and other random things that are on these receipts, and it's just too much to try and separate them out. So, while everything here isn't really for groceries, it shows me how I'm spending and saving.
(2nd trip for my wrapping/tissue paper deal!)
Meijer - spent $89.43, saved $65.49 :-(
Totals: spent $106.06, saved $204.67!
Here are some great freebies/money makers this week:
2 Full-size Pictureka games at Meijer - FREE
2 Pictureka card games at Meijer - FREE
2 Travel-size Hungry Hippo Games at Target - FREE
8 20-count white tissue paper & 4 rolls wrapping paper at Walgreens - money maker!
2 Full-size Pictureka games at Meijer - FREE
2 Pictureka card games at Meijer - FREE
2 Travel-size Hungry Hippo Games at Target - FREE
8 20-count white tissue paper & 4 rolls wrapping paper at Walgreens - money maker!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Visit with Santa
Grandma Williams was here this weekend to spend a little time with us. We were debating on getting Drake's haircut, but decided to wait a little longer. But, we did make a trip to the mall to get a picture with Santa (please excuse my picture of a picture). We went right after he woke up from his afternoon nap and he did great! Jason set him on his lap, and Drake just looked at Santa and then they snapped his picture.

Drake also had TWO teeth pop through this weekend - both on top, and I think there is another one getting ready to come through as well! Today, we are just hanging out at home since it's blizzard like conditions. :-)
Drake also had TWO teeth pop through this weekend - both on top, and I think there is another one getting ready to come through as well! Today, we are just hanging out at home since it's blizzard like conditions. :-)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Great Grocery Challenge - Week 7
This week turned out pretty good - probably a good thing after last week!
Target: spent $1.46, saved $3.60 (gift card, though)
CVS: spent $9.35, saved $38.34
Meijer: spent $11.12, saved $29.22
Walgreens: spent $8.07, saved $39.70
Sam's Club: spent $20.16 (formula...just 2 more months!)
Soap.com: spent $4.05 (from the Groupon I bought a while back, paid $10 then and got $24.05 worth of products)
Totals: spent $52.75, saved $112.32
Savings of 69%
I've still got quite a stockpile, but I am noticing some things we are running out of that I'm not finding great deals for. To really save, you have to be willing to try other brands on some things and there are just some things I'm not willing to switch on....like ketchup. Personally, I like Heinz. Have you ever seen a coupon for Heinz? I don't think I have. And, now that Drake is almost exclusively on table food, I've got to pick up more fruits which, let's face it, aren't cheap. This could make things interesting but hopefully I'll be able to stick to my goal (or at least come close).
Grocery Challenge,
Sam's Club,
Friday, December 3, 2010
10 months!
Dear Drake,
Where has the time gone?? I saw a one month old baby today and it's hard to remember when you were that little. Today, you are 10 months old!! In just a couple months we'll be celebrating your birthday.
Earlier this month, we had the fall time change which didn't have much of an effect on you thank goodness. You woke up early the first couple days, but since then you have been back to yourself sleeping 12 hours at night.
We started third foods on the 16th, but now you are almost exclusively on table foods! You do still have cereal in the morning and once in a while get baby food, but you are starting to refuse it. So far, you have had corn, tortillas, taco meat, bbq pork rib, zucchini, french fry, McDonald's cookies, chicken nuggets, beef sausage, cinnamon rolls, baked beans, stuffing, and tator tot casserole. Kahlua really likes when it's time for you to eat because that usually means she gets some. :-)
You are doing lots of babbling with more distinct B, G, P, M, and D sounds, but we haven't detected any real "words" yet. We're trying really hard to get you to say momma and dada, but we know it will come in time.
You have been walking with your push toy and by holding our hands for quite a while now, but this month, you started standing unassisted! You even took a couple steps between your Aunt Michelle and Uncle Jarrod at Thanksgiving.
We transitioned you to the regular tub!!
You have figured out how to shake your head "no"...although I don't think you know what it means.
Your daddy has started building forts with you! You seem to love it and I'm sure they will get bigger as the years go on!
For your first Thanksgiving, we went to Grandma & Grandpa Williams' on Thanksgiving day and then celebrated with Grandpa Patterson on Saturday.
You also had your first car accident, but you slept right through it! We hit a deer on the way home from Grandma & Grandpa's. We had to get rid of the car seat you were in which meant that you got to try out your new seat!
You now have 3 teeth! A top central incisor came in at the beginning of the month. Your top gums are pretty swollen so I'm sure you'll be getting a few more teeth soon.
You are wearing size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.

Drake, we love you SO much and can't believe you how big you are getting!!
Happy 10 month birthday!
Where has the time gone?? I saw a one month old baby today and it's hard to remember when you were that little. Today, you are 10 months old!! In just a couple months we'll be celebrating your birthday.
Earlier this month, we had the fall time change which didn't have much of an effect on you thank goodness. You woke up early the first couple days, but since then you have been back to yourself sleeping 12 hours at night.
We started third foods on the 16th, but now you are almost exclusively on table foods! You do still have cereal in the morning and once in a while get baby food, but you are starting to refuse it. So far, you have had corn, tortillas, taco meat, bbq pork rib, zucchini, french fry, McDonald's cookies, chicken nuggets, beef sausage, cinnamon rolls, baked beans, stuffing, and tator tot casserole. Kahlua really likes when it's time for you to eat because that usually means she gets some. :-)
You are doing lots of babbling with more distinct B, G, P, M, and D sounds, but we haven't detected any real "words" yet. We're trying really hard to get you to say momma and dada, but we know it will come in time.
You have been walking with your push toy and by holding our hands for quite a while now, but this month, you started standing unassisted! You even took a couple steps between your Aunt Michelle and Uncle Jarrod at Thanksgiving.
We transitioned you to the regular tub!!
Your daddy has started building forts with you! You seem to love it and I'm sure they will get bigger as the years go on!
For your first Thanksgiving, we went to Grandma & Grandpa Williams' on Thanksgiving day and then celebrated with Grandpa Patterson on Saturday.
You are wearing size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
Drake, we love you SO much and can't believe you how big you are getting!!
Happy 10 month birthday!
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