Today, we had our final big baby shower -- Jason's family and some of our friends. Penny, Pam, Leta, and Kate did a GREAT job!! I couldn't believe all the wonderful things baby Patterson has been blessed with, including such a great group of people to just love on him/her.

The start of the gift pile!

My BEAUTIFUL cake made by our friend, Kate!

You can't see it all that well, but each square on this blanket has an animal that was embroidered by Jason's sister, a cousin, or an aunt! And, it was SO soft on the opposite side.

Have you ever tried baby food? Oh my goodness...I can't believe we make babies eat this stuff! :-) In this game, I had to try each food and guess what they were. The only one I thought was okay was the applesauce. The meats were so dry! Disgusting!!

Our wonderful hostesses -Aunt Leta, Aunt Pam, me, & Kate
(Jason's Aunt Penny lives in Virginia so she wasn't able to join us, but she got pictures texted to her throughout the shower!)
Stay tuned for the big gender announcement tomorrow!!
Blue or pink, what do you think??