Nicole with her new puzzle! Mitchell in a new Brett Favre jersey (yes, it's still a Packers jersey....and, I was having trouble rotating the pic -sorry!)
Playing Uno...
Jason had to work on Friday ... I'm off work until the 5th so I spent the day with my "little sister". Jason and I didn't exchange gifts this year; instead, we are re-decorating our bedroom and upgrading to a King size bed!! We purchased one on Saturday so once we have the room all put together, I'll do a post.
We celebrated with Jason's dad and sister's family on Saturday afternoon.
Caden helping grandpa open his gift.
Doesn't he look excited to get pajamas?
Kali and her boyfriend, Troy
See...who needs toys when you have canned food in the cupboard??Aunt Amber & Caden...he's getting so big! Hard to believe he is almost 18months old!
One of our neighbor friends has their family in town and they love to karaoke! We went out with them on Tuesday night and again on Saturday night. They are so much fun and have some great voices!
Jen singing "Good Bye Earl" by the Dixie ChicksJames singing (can't remember what song)
Byron and James singing "Much to Young to Feel This Damn Old"
Becky, Tisha, and me
Bryon and Becky - thanks for inviting us to hang with you and your family!!
We went to church this morning and have just been hanging the rest of the day! Hopefully we'll get a lot accomplished this week since we are both off work!