He turns 37 today...wow!? You're getting up there! Congrats on another year - hope you are having a fun day! We'll see you in a few weeks!!

Here you have it...
1. Mel - because you are a great co-worker and friend...and, you got me started blogging!
2. Jackie - because you, too, are a great friend. We've been through a lot in the past 15+ years, and I'm so glad we've see it together!
3. Janell - because you are also a great friend! You keep me grounded and able to look at both sides of any situation and can challenge me to think differently.
4. Tiffany - because you have been such a great support for me during our infertility struggle and have let me come love on your babies!! I can't wait to hang out with you more!Nicole is in front of the girl on the left with the #12 on.
Caden walking to the car...he is getting so brave!
Jason got home just in time for Big Brother and the Bears game. And, I must brag a little here...WAY TO GO CHICAGO!! It was so exciting to see the Bears pull off a win! Hopefully our Cubbies will be doing the same this week!!I tried to get a nice picture of Caden, but every time I took it he quit smiling! Here's a little video I got of him while the guys were finishing putting up the set. You can see he's not quite yet walking by himself, but he is pretty close. He'll take a step or two if you really coax him, but otherwise, this is what you get. (Hopefully the video works...it's my first attempt at posting one! And, sorry for the blurry spots...I'm not sure what was going on there.)