Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dog Hair...ughh!!!

I think everyone probably knows how much I hate dog hair! Kahlua (our 90 pound lab) sheds like crazy. We've done the fur-minating process at a local pet spa here and thought it worked pretty well, but who has time to take their dog in to have this done all the time? A couple weeks ago, we heard that Petco had a fur-minator brush. Jason checked it out online and it was getting some great reviews - the brushes range from $35 - $55 so we wanted to see what other people thought before we spent that on a brush! Well, we got one last night, and I LOVE it!!! I'll probably get addicted to brushing Kahlua now! :-) Here's a picture of her with the hair I got off last night, and it probably only took about 10 minutes!
I'm sure I could have gotten a lot more, but it was 10:00pm. This could become a daily routine. I'd guess that she's going to like it, too!!

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