Our friends, Jim, Heather, and Addison came to visit on Saturday night. The boys went to a birthday party for a friend while the girls hung out at the house. I couldn't believe how big Addison has gotten! It was almost two months ago the last time we saw her, and she has changed so much! What a doll!
This morning, I made it to church and then even ran to Meijer to grab a couple things. It's amazing how tired I was after just those two little things, but I guess that's bound to happen when I haven't been doing much of anything for the past 2.5 days.
The lab called this morning. I missed their call by 2 minutes, and when I called back I had to leave a message. Guess I'll hear tomorrow if our two other embies made it to freeze.
It's back to work tomorrow for me. Nice thing is that work is busy, and I've got a ton of shows that I love right now. Hopefully that means the next 10 or so days will go by quickly. :-)
Thanks for all of your great and encouraging comments!!
Cady - I couldn't find any great definition of a morula on the internet. So, how I understand it is that it is further along than the 8 cell but before the blastocyst . They are not able to count the cells because they are compacting. The biologist told me it was a good thing so that's all I really went on.
Considerate husbands are the best, aren't they? :)
I'm going to be praying that you're 2ww flies by and that those babies are already making their home. Staying busy is good...take it easy though. :)
Looking forward to hearing if your others made it to freeze!
Have a great week!
oh amber, i am dying over here. 3 days post..feels like forever.
i cant wait to see both of our bfps!!..they cant come soon enough.
Glad you have some helping hands! I am crossing all fingers and toes for you that the wait flies (sometimes, don't you wish you could be sedated until the beta?) for you.
I HATE missing those calls, because no matter how fast you call back, you get voice mail. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your embabies! :)
I'm thinking of you! Hoping the next couple weeks goes by so fast for you.
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