Tuesday, December 27, 2011

18 weeks!

We are 18 weeks along with this little one! Just a little while longer until we find out if this baby is a he or a she. :-) Jason swears it's a girl, but I was thinking boy earlier this week. This pregnancy seems very similar to Drake's although I haven't gained as much weight (probably a good thing - maybe I'll stay within the "normal" weight range). There are times when I don't even "feel" pregnant which seems strange to me. I am almost exclusively in maternity clothes although it seems like everything I have from Drake is too big. I'm trying to make due since I'm sure I'll be buying clothes come spring.

I'm still listening to the heartbeat every night and loving every second of it. I'm even starting to feel some random movement - definitely looking forward to the time when it is consistent.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looking good girl!!