Tuesday, September 21, 2010
How is this possible?
I cannot believe my baby is mobile! He started crawling on all fours last weekend and now he's pulling up on everything!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
We just got back from a wonderfully relaxing weekend in Arizona! When we moved into our house six years ago, we met a family that we just loved spending time with. They have since moved to Colorado and now Arizona for work. Jason and I made the trip to Colorado twice -- BEAUTIFUL state, I might add! And, this weekend Drake was able to make the trip with us to Arizona.
Drake did pretty well on the flights. We only got one dirty look on the way out. :-) The hardest part was the fact that he is not used to sleeping on us which meant that he only slept for 20-30 minutes during each flight. We fed him his bottle on each take off and gave him water on the landings. He was really tired on the way home since we had to get him up about 2 hours before he normally would topped with not getting a real nap. Let's just say he was ready to get out of that plane!
We had the most perfect weather! It was in the 70's when we got up each morning and then in the upper 90's later in the day. But, it didn't feel too hot out at all. Drake enjoyed his breakfast and dinner outside.
Emily just loved on Drake all weekend! She even watched him while we went out to dinner on the last night.
Drake had such a great weekend that he just wanted to sleep when we got home! He actually slept in the car ride home (about 45 minutes) and then took almost a 3.5 hour nap!
We can't wait to go visit again.
We can't wait to go visit again.

Friday, September 3, 2010
7 Months!
Dear Drake,
Today is your seven month birthday! Your daddy and I are amazed at how much you have changed over the past month and love you more and more each day. We thank God for such a wonderful blessing daily.
You started fruits this month - apples, peaches, bananas, and prunes -- as well as your last stage 1 veggie - green beans. We have moved to stage 2 veggies, and we'll be moving to stage 2 fruits next week (after you try pears). The only thing you aren't a fan of so far are prunes, and momma doesn't blame you. You also started puffs this month and love them! Momma usually has to put them in your mouth, but you got one all by yourself yesterday! You also moved to your level 3 nipple this month! Right now, you eat cereal and fruit in the morning and cereal and a veggie in the evening with puffs. We haven't started lunch yet, but we'll probably do that soon.
About two weeks ago, we noticed your first tooth just below the skin. One bottom incisor poked through on the 21st and your second one poked through one week later! You have been a little more fussy during this time, but the biggest change is that you don't want to eat your bottle. I think we might finally be back to normal because you took 2-6 ounce bottles for Miss Alicia today. I've tried getting a picture of your little teeth, but you aren't letting me! :-)
We were giving you your cereal and fruit/veggie in the bumbo, but you've discovered that you can get your feet onto the table and move yourself. So, we pulled out the booster seat! You are doing great in it and even sat in the highchair at a restaurant tonight!
No more paci! You were only using it when you went to sleep or were really tired, but just after you turned six months old, you quit taking it. Yeah!
This month, you have also learned how to sit up all by yourself!
Since you are sitting so well, we decided to try out sitting during bathtime! It has been quite an adjustment for momma, but it's working great now. You love it and don't want to get out of the bath when it's time to get ready for bed.

And, you are working on crawling!!! You had been moving around in circles on your belly trying to get toys for a while, but now you're doing an army craw. You can pull your knees under you so you are on all fours, too. I don't think it will be long before you are crawling with your belly off the floor.
You still LOVE to be standing. When we hold your hands, you'll even take a few steps forward. Daddy has already started the babyproofing!
You went to your first Cubs game this month. The weather was perfect, but unfortunately the Cubbies didn't pull out a win for you. You did a great job, too, considering the game was right in the middle of your naptime. We can't wait to take you to many more games!!
We took our first solo road trip to Wisconsin. Daddy was in Joliet at the races with grandpa, so we headed north to Carter's birthday party. You did a great job riding in the car and enjoyed the time visiting friends.
You're in size 2 diapers and size 6 months clothes. We'll be moving to size 9 months clothes really soon though. I think you have a long torso just like your momma.
Happy 7 month birthday, Drake!! I love you!
Today is your seven month birthday! Your daddy and I are amazed at how much you have changed over the past month and love you more and more each day. We thank God for such a wonderful blessing daily.
You started fruits this month - apples, peaches, bananas, and prunes -- as well as your last stage 1 veggie - green beans. We have moved to stage 2 veggies, and we'll be moving to stage 2 fruits next week (after you try pears). The only thing you aren't a fan of so far are prunes, and momma doesn't blame you. You also started puffs this month and love them! Momma usually has to put them in your mouth, but you got one all by yourself yesterday! You also moved to your level 3 nipple this month! Right now, you eat cereal and fruit in the morning and cereal and a veggie in the evening with puffs. We haven't started lunch yet, but we'll probably do that soon.
We were giving you your cereal and fruit/veggie in the bumbo, but you've discovered that you can get your feet onto the table and move yourself. So, we pulled out the booster seat! You are doing great in it and even sat in the highchair at a restaurant tonight!
This month, you have also learned how to sit up all by yourself!
Since you are sitting so well, we decided to try out sitting during bathtime! It has been quite an adjustment for momma, but it's working great now. You love it and don't want to get out of the bath when it's time to get ready for bed.
And, you are working on crawling!!! You had been moving around in circles on your belly trying to get toys for a while, but now you're doing an army craw. You can pull your knees under you so you are on all fours, too. I don't think it will be long before you are crawling with your belly off the floor.
You still LOVE to be standing. When we hold your hands, you'll even take a few steps forward. Daddy has already started the babyproofing!
You went to your first Cubs game this month. The weather was perfect, but unfortunately the Cubbies didn't pull out a win for you. You did a great job, too, considering the game was right in the middle of your naptime. We can't wait to take you to many more games!!
We took our first solo road trip to Wisconsin. Daddy was in Joliet at the races with grandpa, so we headed north to Carter's birthday party. You did a great job riding in the car and enjoyed the time visiting friends.
You're in size 2 diapers and size 6 months clothes. We'll be moving to size 9 months clothes really soon though. I think you have a long torso just like your momma.
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