Dear Drake,
How can you be three months old already? It truly seems like we just brought you home from the hospital!
Today was your first day at Miss Alicia's and momma's first day back to work. I wasn't sure how this was going to go, but it went just fine. Alicia said you did pretty good - you ate two bottles from her and took an hour and 15 minute nap. You didn't want to go to sleep too much though. I picked you up early and probably will most of this week. I know you'll be just fine, but I'll sure miss being with you all day every day.
You love holding onto things - your lovie, clothes, toys, momma's hair, momma's necklace, etc.

We've had some great "conversations" with you lately! You definitely recognize your momma & daddy's voices.
Tummy time lasts for a few minutes and then you get frustrated.

You do a great job holding your head up when we're holding you upright though. You also enjoy sitting propped up for a few minutes on the couch. I think we're going to find a bumbo for you soon. Your legs have always been super strong, and you'll push them completely straight and stand up on mom and dad's legs.
You haven't rolled over completely yet, but you do lay on your back, bring your legs up, and roll to your side. I really don't think it will be long before you figure this one out.

You still love to lay on your playmat, sit in the bouncy seat, and now you really like the swing, too!

Bath time is still a favorite, and we've started doing it every day now.
Dr. Rosa told us that we'd probably see you start to drool and boy was she right! We are constantly wiping your chin because it is all slobbery. And, you've been sucking on your bottom lip a lot latey.

Sleep is getting SO much better. You've gone 8 hours straight twice now. Nap time is going well, too. You are awake 1.5-2 hours at every feeding during the day and go down for naps in your crib fairly easily. You are still eating every three hours during the day (7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm).
You're still wearing size 1 diapers and size 0-3 months clothes (except onesies are 3-6 months).

(Thanks to Blogger, you'll have to turn your head to see this cutie!)
I think you're going to enjoy traveling just like your momma! You've already been to three states besides Illinois - Kentucky, Tennessee, & Wisconsin! You went to momma's cousin's wedding in Kentucky and Tennessee (6.5 hours away) and to Wisconsin to visit momma's high school friend, Jackie, and her family. On both trips, you did fabulous in the car...sleeping most of the way!
We had your three month pictures taken on Friday. You didn't show Jackie your big smile, but I'm sure the pictures are still great!

Happy three month birthday, Drake!!