The first two days of my weekend were spent laying on the couch being waited on by my husband and my mom, watching tv, playing games on my hubby's iPhone, and checking e-mail, blogs, and facebook. It wasn't too bad since there were extra people here (my dad drove down on Saturday afternoon). That also allowed Jason to get some work done outside - lawn mowed and pergola completed! I'll be posting about the pergola later.
I spent a lot of time on the couch yesterday, too, but did manage to get a shower in and get out of the house for a little while. Some friends were having a cookout last night, so we went there for a few hours. It's pretty chilly out right now, and I think it's supposed to rain, so it will probably be another day on the couch...hopefully encouraging these embies to stick!!!
For now, I continue the pre-natal, baby aspirin, DHEA (3xs) and have started progesterone (3xs) and Estrace (2xs). I've never done the Estrace before (we did Ovidrel boosters last time), so that was a fun new experience!! :-)
Isn't it great to have a long weekend---with good food? =) Hoping that those embies are sticky sticky!!!!
praying that your embies stick:)
I hope your embies are snuggling in good and tight. GL
I'm glad you had a nice relaxing (and pampered!) weekend. Hoping for good news for your embryos!
Glad to hear that you had a relaxing weekend. I am thinking of you and praying for a wonderful outcome. xx
Amber, can you email me and tell me more about DHEA and why Dr. Jarrett chose to put you on it? I have my upcomning "Ivf failure" meeting with my RE and I am going to see what he says. I'm thinking about going to see Dr. Jarrett but he has a 4 month wating list (I could see his other doctor, Dr. M, next month if I want to). I wanted your opinions.
My email is onesweetworld67 at gmail dot com
Sounds like you had a nice time :-).
Wishing for embies to stick!
Stick embies stick! Hope the waiting flies by for you and am looking forward to seeing good news from you very soon.
all the best and hoping the embies stick :)
Dear Amber, thank you for the comment on my blog. Yes, You are correct, if it were not for hope, why would we persist so in our journey?
All the very best! And good luck to you!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope those embies are sticking for you! Wishing you lots of luck! I will be sending you good vibes!
hope things are going well. Good luck!
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