Every year, Jason's employer gets group tickets for the
Chicago Cubs. We decided this was the perfect time to take Drake to his first Cubs game! We took my little sister (Aireol) with us and this was her first game, too! It was sprinkling when we got to Chicago, but I just put Drake in the
Ergo and got my umbrella out. It was so much better than trying to actually carry him in my arms and hold an umbrella. We grabbed some lunch and then headed into Wrigley Field. The rain let up, the sun came out and the game started just 10 minutes late.

He wasn't too interested in his toys that I brought, but he liked the cord to our camera case. lol!

The view from our seats.

Drake trying on daddy's hat! (I LOVE this picture.)

Me & Aireol

Aireol's first time holding Drake.
We left the game in the 8th inning. Unfortunately, the Cubbies weren't doing so well and lost 11-4. We got home a little later than we had planned, but Drake was a trooper. He got his bath, bottle and went right down to bed. Hopefully he'll sleep great!
So cute! Love the pic with the hat!! Where has Aireol been..I don't remember seeing/hearing about her! Love the pic of her holding Drake:)
The cutest little Cubbies fan I've seen yet! I bet he loved all the hustle and bustle around him!
I agree with Life with Erin...the cutest little Cubbies fan. :) Looks like so much fun!!
what a great first experience for both of them! Way to go Mama!
Ok, I LOVE that picture of him in Jason's hat! I can't wait to take Lucy to her first Braves game. It's just been so hot!
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