While this has been a completely uneventful/normal pregnancy, today changed that. I was feeling consistent movements (and strong ones!) Thursday through Sunday night. Yesterday, I felt just a couple, soft movement and had pinching-like pain on my left side off and on. I attributed the pain to ligaments stretching, but I woke up this morning and had brown spotting so I called my doctor. After a heartbeat check (152) and cervical length check (3.6cm), the baby is fine, but I am now off work for the rest of the week! Thankfully, I can check my work email and voicemail to stay connected and busy doing something. It will all be worth it to know that this baby is okay.
The doctor also mentioned that I am measuring a little big. I didn't ask how big...guess I don't want to know. :-) I head back to the doctor on Monday for my regular appointment and glucose test, and they'll re-check the cervical length then. For now, I'm just praying that the baby continues to do well and stays put! Any prayers would be appreciated.

God I know how scary it is to feel the worry that something is wrong with bub, I'm so glad everything is ok.
Enjoy your time off work and make sure you keep your feet up and relax. Good luck for the GTT.
Take care of yourself!
So glad everything was ok. Get plenty of rest and just relax and enjoy yourself.
Praying for you and your little one.
Of course I will pray for you and the little one. Glad to hear he/she is okay. Is it possible that you are due earlier?
Is there any thing I can do for you?
Rest!! Rest!! Rest!!!
Love to all,
Aunt Leta
It's wonderful that you have reached viability. I'm sorry to hear that you had the spotting scare. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Rest up...(you look great by the way)
Beautiful belly! Three cheers for viability! Enjoy and relax on these days off.
Congrats on 24 weeks! Such a great milestone!
Enjoy the time off this week. At least you know all is well with the little one.
Speaking of that little one..Im dying over here...boy or girl? Do I get special treatment since Im a fellow Bears fan? :)
Take it easy and we'll be praying for you!
That must have been so scary, sorry you had to go through that! I'm so glad everything is ok, get some rest, Mama!
How scary!! My prayers are with you - I completely understand about the bedrest - I went on at 26 weeks due to short cervix and preterm labor, so I am all too familiar with the brown spotting. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Jenny knows how to get a hold of me!
Isn't viability an exciting thought? Yay! Definitely praying for you. Take care of yourself.
well i'm thinking about you and i know that baby will stay put!
You look great!! :) Praying for you and your precious little one. Hope you're able to relax and enjoy your week off.
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