Hard to believe we are this far already...18 weeks seems like such a long time and, yet, it feels like we were just told that we were pregnant! Things are starting to come together. We've narrowed down the choices for the nursery furniture (Munire) and bedding, and I think I have my list of things together that we are going to register for. We are so thankful to Jason's sister who let us buy her pack & play, bouncer, jumperoo, and activity mat! They all are only two years old and just used for Caden so they are practically brand new.
We have our big ultrasound in just two weeks. Yes, we'll be finding out the sex, provided that this little one wants to cooperate with us that day! But, we are not announcing it until the showers. I'm just going to have to remind people not to leave comments on Facebook about the sex until my last shower!
Speaking of showers, I think they are pretty well set. We have such great friends and family to celebrate with us that I think we are having 4 showers - my family/friends up North, Jason's family, friends, and then my neighborhood girls! It's going to be so exciting!!